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Medicine Drone Sciene Unit

Students begin by exploring how energy effects models, through investigating what makes things melt faster or slower. They find that when objects are heated, their molecules move faster. If medicines are heated, their properties can change making them less  effective.

Next, students explore how energy can transfer between objects, with some objects being more effective at transferring heat, while others are not as good. In doing this, they find out that when objects “feel” warm or cold, it is related to heat moving from one object to another, even when their temperatures are the same.  Following, students investigate the ways in which heat is transferred (convection, conduction, and radiation). They apply these principles to the design of their drone and container.

Finally, students explore and learn about how to contain heat keep objects cold (or warm) and consider how they will use these materials in their drone. In the final sequence, students design and test prototypes of the engineering design problem, and present their findings through reporting out why their design worked well (or not).



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