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In sixth grade the students are assigned homework.  Completed homework counts toward the students' grade as part of their effort.  Sustaining effort and  completing homework  on a regular basis is a big responsibility and will enable the student to have an easier transition to middle school.  Homework, including the 120 minutes of required weekly reading, should take about 60 minutes per evening in 6th grade.  Some students may fininsh sooner and others may need a little longer.  Of course this all varies depending on the assignment and the subject.


Math and reading are two assignments that students should have just about every evening. 


When a student is absent, I will make an effort to compile work that the student must make up and send it home either with a sibling or with a close neighbor.  If that isn't possible, then I will leave the work in the office for a parent to pick up.  Students that miss school and come back to a stack of work to make up often feel overwhelmed, so it is helpful to keep the students caught up when an absence is necessary.


  Assignments are given, usually as I make assessments about the students' progress during a lesson.  Therefore, the exact assignments aren't usually determined until the end of the day.  All students have an agenda and are required to write assignments down each day from the homework board.  I make sure that this happens and all assignments can be read from within their agenda.  If you have more specific questions about homework, please feel free to contact me.  If the agenda system is not working for you and your child, I will be happy to make other arrangements with you to ensure success for your child.



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